I tried DALL.E 2

I tried DALL.E 2

I recently got access to use DALL E, so I thought of giving it a try.

What is DALL.E?

It is a Web Application that uses Artificial Intelligence to turn text into images. Yup, it's 100% real.

It is not just for creating basic random images, it can great images in different styles all depending upon the prompt that you can give to it. The Header image for this blog is created using the prompt "A cat programming on multiple monitors and having a cup of coffee in a dim surrounding, digital art 4k".

How to get access

Click on this link to join the waitlist. It asks for users' basic information. You may soon get an invite to use the application.

Let's explore more on how to use it.

Once you receive the invite, you can go to site and log in and it will take you to the DALL.E homepage. image.png

Write a description of the image you want and click on "Generate". It will process it for a few seconds and then generate four images for you. You can also upload an image if you want. Here are few images I generated.

DALL·E 2022-08-20 16.28.32 - a rainy night and cars stuck in a traffic.png

DALL·E 2022-08-20 16.28.23 - a watchman sitting  on a chair and a dog beside him guarding a big Gate.png

DALL·E 2022-08-20 16.28.06 - a busy market in india on a sunny day with a big tree at the centre and children are playing around it, digital art.png

DALL·E 2022-08-20 16.27.35 - a potrait of a monkey wearing a tshirt and drinking lemonade on a beach, people are scared and a tsunami is approaching,digital art.png

When you use it for the first time you get 50 credits. Every image generation or a variation of the generated image costs one credit point. But you get 15 credits at the begining of each month. It starts from the day you joined and the remaining credits cannot roll over to next month.

Currently, API support is not available for this but hopefully, in the near future, we may get it soon.

Try it out now!!!