How to Setup and run a .Net application(web API)

This is a guide to setup a .NET Core application quickly for all the beginners who want to build and Web API using .NET Core.

This is not an in-depth guide. It is made just to give you an idea of how to set it up for your projects that you will build. I am going to make a series where I will explain everything in detail about all the files used, how it actually works etc.

Let's get started

Download .NET Core and install in your local machine

Here is the link to download. Choose the .NET Core SDK and click on download .netcoresdk.PNG


Steps to check if it installed correctly

  • Open CMD and type dotnet --version you should see an output like

    C:\Users\sishub.joshi>dotnet --version

    .NET Core SDK version is different from the one shown here, to see that follow the below step.

  • Type dotnet --info for more information

Download Visual Studio Code(here)

You can use any editor of your choice. I just prefer VSCode

Creating a .NET Core API App

  • Use the command dotnet new webapi to create a Web API template
  • You can create different type of applications(console/class lib/sln). Here you can get more info about the new command.

Folder Structure Of the Application

For now you don't need to worry about all the files and their usage, just relax. image.png

Let's test the application

  • To Run the application use the command dotnet run
  • When the server starts, launch a browser window and type localhost:5000/weatherforecast
  • In the controller folder you will find a WeatherForecastController.cs. It is the reason for the endpoint name used above. You can change it later as it is just the boilerplate code to just test if the application is running fine.
  • You will see json dummy output in your browser.
  • That's it, you now have a .NET web api running locally